Risk Criteria Analysis (RCA)
Risk Criteria Analysis (RCA) is a method used in construction planning to identify, assess and manage potential risks that may affect the success of a project. Through AKR, the project team analyzes and assesses each potential risk, including the degree of risk, potential consequences and probability of their occurrence.
During the KRA process, potential risks that may affect the construction project are identified, such as technical, environmental, financial, legal, and other risks. After identification, each risk is evaluated in terms of its importance and the impact it may have on the construction project. This assessment includes assessing the likelihood of the risk occurring and the potential consequences if the risk materializes.
“Risk Criteria Analysis (HCR) – progress in the identification, assessment and management of risks in construction.”
The process that is carried out after finding the risk
Once the risks have been identified and assessed, the strategies and measures necessary for their management are defined and implemented. These may include preventing hazards through design changes, using safe materials, establishing safety protocols, and developing contingency plans to minimize consequences if the hazard materializes.
KRA is a continuous process during the planning and execution phase of the project, ensuring that the project team is aware of the risks and takes the necessary measures to effectively manage them. This helps minimize risk and potential damage, leading to a more successful completion of the construction project