About Us
“Geokonsult & Co” sh.p.k., founded on 10.06.2009 as an independent national company for engineering consultations, took an extraordinary development becoming one of the best companies in the country, to help in filling requirements of the construction industry in Albania, thanks to the professionalism and seriousness of its employees. The feature of “Geokonsult & Co” is the combination of a staff of young and old, contemporary and experienced specialists, this feature which has brought the appropriate productivity in the realization of numerous projects that have been entrusted to our company.
With a staff specialized in engineering works and dedicated to the realization of the work, our company has realized numerous projects
Studim Projektim i Furnizimit me uje per zonat bregdetare te Kryevidh,
ByPass Shkodër
Completion of ByPass Shkodër as part of the North-South corridor and
Third Floor Fourth Floor
Studim Projektim i Furnizimit me uje per zonat bregdetare te Kryevidh,
ByPass Shkodër
Completion of ByPass Shkodër as part of the North-South corridor and
Geokonsult & Co is committed to providing clients with excellent, technically sound services, respecting the environment in which we work.
We responsibly control the implementation of construction works, ensuring that the finalization is the one intended in the project.
Geology, Geotechnics and Geophysics
Geotechnical Studies, Seismic Studies, Consulting, Georadar Scanning, Geoelectrical Scanning, Geological and Hydrological Drilling.
Urban and Environmental Studies
Analysis, planning and evaluation of urban development in the context of its impact on the natural environment and interaction with the community.

Geokonsult & Co is certified and operates under the Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, OHSAS 18001:2007, ISO/IEC 27001:2013, ISO 39001:2012, ISO 50001:2011, PAS 90:2012 , in:
Design; Supervision; Geology, Geotechnics and Geophysics; Urban and Environmental Studies; Geodesy; Energy
Latest articles
Specialized articles, practical guidance, breaking news, studies on engineering projects and the latest developments in the construction industry.
BIM- Building Information Modeling
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Building information modeling (BIM) is a digital work method that uses ...
Construction planning
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Construction planning is an essential process for the success of construction ...
Risk Criteria Analysis (RCA)
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Risk Criteria Analysis (RCA) is a method used in construction planning ...