Our experience

The company "Gejokonsult & Co" has been developing its activity for 14 years and has expanded its activity throughout the country, cooperating with local and foreign investors. Our company has carried out various projects in design, supervision, topographic works, approval of objects and laboratory testing of construction materials. During these years, we have carried out projects financed by the General Directorate of Roads, the General Directorate of Prisons, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection, K.E.SH sh.A, K.U.T Tirana , University of Tirana, Fushë-Arrëz Municipality, Lezhë Municipality, Zall Herr Municipality, Kashar Municipality, Rrape Municipality, Pukë, Paskuqan Municipality, Farkë Municipality, Port Authority of Durrës and Port Authority of Shengjin. The design and implementation of roads, civil and industrial buildings, tunnels, ports and H/C projects is carried out by a specialized staff of engineers in the field of construction.


Shërbimet tona

Gjeokonsult & Co është e përkushtuar t'u ofroj klientëve shërbime të shkëlqyera, teknikisht të qendrueshme, duke respektuar mjedisin ku punojmë.

Fusha e projektimit

Ndërtime civile industriale të infrastrukturës dhe hidroteknikës, HEC-e, Linja elektrike, Studime urbanisitike, Plane rregulluese etj.
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Punime gjeologjike

Studime gjeologo-inxhinerike për objekte civile, objekte të medha, rruge, aeroporte, hidrocentrale etj.

Punime gjeodezike

Punime me bazamente gjeodezike për rilevime në te gjitha shkallët. Projektim fotogrametrik, hartografik, topografik. Punime gjeodezike në : rrugë, ura, tunele, porte, aeroporte, hidrocentrale, punime batimetrike etj.

Shërbime mbikqyrje

Shërbime mbikëqyrje për : Rrugë, Objekte civile, Ujësjellësa, K.U.Z etj.Ne kontrollojmë me përgjegjësi zbatimin e punimeve të ndërtimit, në përputhje me lejen e ndërtimit, projektin, kushtet teknike të projektimit, të zbatimit, si dhe destinacionin e objektit.

Shërbime mbikqyrje

Shërbime mbikëqyrje për : Rrugë, Objekte civile, Ujësjellësa, K.U.Z etj.Ne kontrollojmë me përgjegjësi zbatimin e punimeve të ndërtimit, në përputhje me lejen e ndërtimit, projektin, kushtet teknike të projektimit, të zbatimit, si dhe destinacionin e objektit.

Shërbime mbikqyrje

Shërbime mbikëqyrje për : Rrugë, Objekte civile, Ujësjellësa, K.U.Z etj.Ne kontrollojmë me përgjegjësi zbatimin e punimeve të ndërtimit, në përputhje me lejen e ndërtimit, projektin, kushtet teknike të projektimit, të zbatimit, si dhe destinacionin e objektit.


Geokonsult & Co is committed to providing clients with excellent, technically sound services, respecting the environment in which we work.


Civil industrial constructions of infrastructure and hydrotechnics, HPPs, Power lines, Urban studies, Regulatory plans, etc.
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We responsibly control the implementation of construction works, ensuring that the finalization is the one intended in the project.
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Geology, Geotechnics and Geophysics

Geotechnical Studies, Seismic Studies, Consulting, Georadar Scanning, Geoelectrical Scanning, Geological and Hydrological Drilling.
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Works with geodetic foundations for surveying at all scales. Photogrammetric, cartographic, topographic design.
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Urban and Environmental Studies

Analysis, planning and evaluation of urban development in the context of its impact on the natural environment and interaction with the community.
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The use of renewables and the construction of energy infrastructures improving resources and efficiency.
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FAQ- Frequently asked questions

“Geokonsult & Co” sh.p.k. has 14 years of experience. The mix between a staff of young and old specialists, contemporary and experienced, has brought the appropriate productivity in the realization of numerous projects that have been entrusted to our company.

Geokonsult & Co is certified and operates under the Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, OHSAS 18001:2007, ISO/IEC 27001:2013, ISO 39001:2012, ISO 50001:2011, PAS 90:2012 , in: Supervision ; Design; Geodetic Works & Geological Works

Our specialists collaborate in all phases of the project to ensure a perfect process and an excellent result. They are able to understand the customer’s needs and meet their requirements, paying special attention to detail and quality.